Carl Jackaman substack - Why subscribe?

Free to subscribe - commentary on life, sketching, watercolour, sprinkled with a little humour. Pictures and information from personal experience & places around Cornwall and beyond. Join in the fun and therapy of doing art, sketching in an easy short , relaxed & regular read.

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In the future, there may be an opt in available for premium editorial content and freebies etc, but that will always just be an optional extra.

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Subscribe to Capture your World in a Sketch Book

Writing on life woven with art. Be part of something mindful for ideas, prompts, chat, ramblings or just to see what it's all about. Say hello, join the community who love to create, journal, sketch & colour. See how therapeutic it can be & have fun.


Artist, sketcher & writer trying to capture a world in pen & watercolour. Growing older ungracefully, recent heart bypass survivor wanting to live life to the full.